
Age: 49
Joined: 11 Jul 2008
Posts: 950

03.10.2008, 14:40 Guildrules english |
Basic Rules:
- Every player of Exordium has to deal fairly with guild members and other EQ2 players
- Exordium aims for a community that helps each other and gives loot or master spells in solidarity to guild members.
Raid Rules:
- 60% attendance in 30 days is the absolute minimum for every player. If you fall below that mark you lose your bidding rights. Is there loot without any bids, players with less than 60% are allowed to bid too. If a player is missing longer than 14 days without any notice, the class will be replaced.
- To calculate the exact participation, DKP will be registered by the hour. If players have to go offline earlier, then they receive no more points for the actual Raid.
- Every player gets 1 DKP per hour. At raid start and at the end of the raid you get another 1 DKP. For guild firsts you get a bonus of 5 DKP. The minimum bid for items is 15 DKP
- Before the raid evening starts, there will be a banner placed that will be the meeting point for that evening. Please get there on time.
- It is an absolute must for every player to give notice of any absence if you can’t attend a raid (in the afk section of the forum). If you don’t fulfil this obligation, you receive a DKP penalty in the amount of the DKP value of the raid on that day. If you are unable to write a message on the forum, then you can also announce your absence through other media (e.g. Phone, etc.).
- Players who log in later, need to contact the raid leader and the DKP officer immediately. Additionally you need to move to the raid target at once.
- In order to minimize or avoid any DKP mistakes, every player who is logging in later or has to log out earlier, must contact the responsible raid leader AND the DKP officer. A short tell or an announcement in TS is acceptable. If you don't get any response then please try again a bit later.
- If someone must go afk, then you have to contact the responsible raid leader and you need to switch on the afk flag. Unannounced afk will be punished with 30 DKP deduction.
- The raid leader determines when you release after a wipe. Nobody touches or collects anything without explicit permission of the raid leader !!
- It's not allowed to write in the Raidchat, just the RL and MT type raidrelevant Commands in the /ra.
Raid targets:
- All TSF Instances and MMB during regular Raidtimes. Every other x4 outside of those Listed are ffa.
- Contested: If they are killed outside of our regular Raidtime, you will get an Attendance Check and 2 DKP. Raid appointments are announced in the forum "Call to Arms" and in the guild message of the day.
Raid loot:
- Chests are opened by the raid leader (or assigned raid looter) and the items will be immediately auctioned and assigned. The raiding continues during the auctions except when MT or MT Healers are bidding on loot.
- Every member with sufficient raid attendance can bid on items. It doesn’t matter if you are taking part at the actual raid or not (e.g. waiting list).
- Unneeded loot will be either transmuted or sold to raise guild cash.
- The platin that dropped from raid encounters will be collected by the raid leader. It will be deposited into guild bank and used for the monthly money split.
Alt Loot
- Alt has to be Level 90!
- Minimum Bid for Alt Loot is 50pp. Your alt is at the same Position as a Trial for the first 2 Weeks, be aware of that.
- Place your Alt in the Guildhall, if he is on a different Account, to shorten the Looting procedre.
- The guild leadership reserves the right to cancel twink loot if there is not enough mana in the guild bank left for adornments.
Every player get monthly a guildpayout. Player under 60% gets only a little payout.
- You have to adorn all raid gear and all resist gear used in raids ! If you don't follow this rule, this can lead to a loss of bidding rights !
- You can buy T9 Mana from Guildbank only for your Mainchar. It costs 15pp/Mana
Trial Rules
Trial Time can take up to 6 Weeks and it's handled as follow:
- Week 1 + 2:
- Get used to us and show us what you can!
- You are able to Bid on Items with Platin. Minimum Bid is 50pp and you bid against Member Alts. Order is: Member --> Trial/Alt.
- Week 3 + 4:
- You can bid with DKP on Items. Order Changed and it's: Member --> Trial --> Alt.
- We will get more and more Feedback from our Members and see if you are worth it to get Member.
- In case we have only Positiv Feedback, your Trial Time will End after Week 4 and you will be Promoted to Member.
- Week 5 + 6:
- Your Trial Time got extended, that can happen due to Real Life issues or the simple Fact that you did well, but we still want more from your Side.
- Loot didn't change, it's the same as in Week 3/4.
- If you got better again over the past Week, you will be Promoted to Member. If there was no Change at all, it's Time to say Goodbye.